Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Study Abroad !!!!!!

First I would like to introduce my self. My name is Denisse and I'm from Monterrey, Mexico. It's my first time that I stayed so far of my family. My goal is to increase my English skills. Why??? Because I really want the perfect job. But for have the perfect job I need the best things to add to my resume. For the company that I wish work to. English is an important as your Master Deegre. You don't have option so you speak or you don't. English lenguague became a world wide lenguage and you can't pass over.

Study abroad is so difficult more when it's your first time that you go so far of your house. You have to learn about a lot of things like custums, habits, currency, weather, etc. When I decided to came to study to Calgary, I was so brave. But you can't imagine how difficult was and still been for me. I lost my parents birthday's and stay together with my family. Many of my friends support me. They were giving me advice and never let me give up. In the other hand, you can make a very good friends that you never imagine that you be able to find. Also, you can have the most exciting experince and an intercultural interchange. Study abroad it's a challenge for everyone...


Claudia said...

Hi Denisse.
I'm very glad to meet you. I hope we can keep in touch when you go back to Monterrey. I'm sure that you will get a perfect job. I've already print your ticket. Have fun!!

soojin said...

Hello Denisse!

I think you are a good english speaker!
Don't worry about your job.
I really happy to be partner in grammer calss in this Weekend!

Have a good night~!

emi said...

How are you, Denisse? Your profile's picture is so cooooooool! You are younger than I, right? Oh! I waana be sexy......