Tuesday, July 15, 2008

!!!!!!!!!! Thanks ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

I just want to said thanks to everybody!!!!!!

Thanks to all of my teachers for improve my English skills and for all the greatest moments at school. Every single teacher..... Karen thanks for wake me up at the morning..... Kristi thanks for all the treats..... Laura thanks for your hits jjajaja I´m just joking thanks to correct my pronunciation............. All the staff are really good...........

All the students, really it´s one of my best experience. I learn a lot because I can meet people from many parts of the world and they are so friendly... Thanks everyone to deal with me because know that I´m a little crazy but it´s part of my personality and that´s my way to make friends....

I´ve never believe that some day I would be here to have the experience about study abroad and live in a new coutry with may different things..... I learn to many things and very important....

I´m going to make my last trip with my friends these Friday and camping with everybody will be th best thing to say Good- Bye !!!!!!! Jasper here we go!!!!!

I´ve been here for four and a half months also I have to be here for two and a half weeks more an then i´ll go back to México!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Calgary all the people are so kindness!!!!!!!!!!!!!