Tuesday, July 15, 2008

!!!!!!!!!! Thanks ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

I just want to said thanks to everybody!!!!!!

Thanks to all of my teachers for improve my English skills and for all the greatest moments at school. Every single teacher..... Karen thanks for wake me up at the morning..... Kristi thanks for all the treats..... Laura thanks for your hits jjajaja I´m just joking thanks to correct my pronunciation............. All the staff are really good...........

All the students, really it´s one of my best experience. I learn a lot because I can meet people from many parts of the world and they are so friendly... Thanks everyone to deal with me because know that I´m a little crazy but it´s part of my personality and that´s my way to make friends....

I´ve never believe that some day I would be here to have the experience about study abroad and live in a new coutry with may different things..... I learn to many things and very important....

I´m going to make my last trip with my friends these Friday and camping with everybody will be th best thing to say Good- Bye !!!!!!! Jasper here we go!!!!!

I´ve been here for four and a half months also I have to be here for two and a half weeks more an then i´ll go back to México!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Calgary all the people are so kindness!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rafting !!!!

The best experience I've ever had....

I never imagine that I could have the oportunity to go rafting, and reallly it's awesome. The speed of the river was perfect and the weather too..... I was a little scared to fell out the boat, but if that could happened was part of the experience and the guide was so proffessional....

It's amazing to feel the raining when you are rafting so you where be very wet if not, you should swim in the river......Because you must be wet!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody was so exciting about lived that experience, because it is really exciting and wet LOL. The stincky thing was the suit, it´s no really uncomfortable but t´funny and stincky. Really you look so funny more with the life jacket. If you are thinking about it don´t worried about the equipment that you need, you just need swimming suit and that´s all.They are pretty sure that the suits were clean...........

You are not able to take pictures because you need a waterproof camera but anyways you need to be concentrated in your work on the boat so they take the photos for you and you buy it and then they send it to your home. It´s a great deal don´t it????

If you try to do that. Don´t scared about it and do it, just do it!!!!!!!!

It´s amazing........!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My City My Home


I want that you know somethings of my city. Monterrey it's a metropoli city that have arround of 1,113,814 million people. It's a big city with a lot of fun activities to do there. If you see the map of Mexico you can find it in the top close to the border with USA .Monterrey is the main city of the State of Nuevo Leon. That is one of the five more important in Mexico. Because of it's size and the many industries that are working there.

In Monterrey the most traditional food is Cabrito ( it's a little lamb) that they put in the grill and it tastes delicious... But that's the opion of other people, because I don't like it very much I prefer the BBQ's are more delicious and more cheap LOL...

You can find many teams of different kinds of sports like soccer ( Rayados and Tigres), footbal, baseball. Monterrey is also well known for it's crazy fanatics that chears in the stadium.

There are many places where you can get fun like: Sesam Street Amusement Park that is awesome if you have kids and also if you like that kind of parks, Cola de Caballo (Horse Tail) that is a waterfall and is spectacular to go there and hiking, you're able to find to differents zoos one it's in Guadalupe and the name is La Pastora and the other one is in the contry and the name is Bioparque Estrella and it's like a safari amazing rigth???. You also can find some natural caves that gives an idea of how wonderfull is the Earth. In the downtown you can find the newest place that is Paseo Santa Lucia or Santa Lucia Riverwalk it's about 2.5 kilometers and you can take a boat or you can walk whatever you wish....

Cola de Caballo ( Horse Tail Waterfall)

Sesam Street Amusement Park

Santa Lucia Riverwalk

In Monterrey you can find night life, because there are many places to visit like nigth clubs in Barrio Antiguo (Ancient neighborhood ) and Centrito Valle ( Downtown of Valle ) where are some exciting places to enjoy...

I love my city and it's so different between Calgary because here you can find big buildings only in downtown and in Monterrey all arround the city you can see those buildings.....

I wonder if you can visit my city and of course me.... I wish you can go and have a lot of fun and i can be your guide.... Here is a link if you want more pictures of Monterrey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RzmGUmoLzE

Have a nice week everybody....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One of my best days !!!

Oh I can't belived that I've already finished my maijor.That was so challenged but not difficult at all.
My graduation was on Octuber 6, 2007 and it was amazing. My best friends were there with me. We had to use a pearl drees (women) and Tuxedo (men), but you can imagine that it looked like a massive wedding jajajajaja that was so funny. We have had to arrive so early to the auditorium where the graduation were taken place. I had to wake up at 5 am to get ready for the photos. We started the photo sesion at 8 am. and was so silly, because we had to wait for our turn. So we were waiting for three hours that was crazy. They took a photo with all the students of the differents areas and that was so tired and we were sweated, because the sun was faced us and we were hurry up the photographer.

Then we gone in the auditorium and the ceremony satarted, it was a beutiful ceremony and when they were going to give the awards for the best student, my friends were cried " Oh, Denisse come on it's for you" and I said "No, no there are more people who can win it", but at the time they said my name, I was so surprised and scarry but it was part of my accomplishment.

After the ceremony I had to stay there, because they had to take some photos for the newspaper and I was so ungry because I wanted to took some photos with my friends. Anyways, I couldn't do it but it was awesome.

Yessenia my best friend, her family, her boyfriend, my family and I were going to eat lunch together. We spent a lot of time at the restaurant with a BBQ and with a Mariachi.

Also we made plans for the night but I prefer to continued the party at a wedding that was so strange but don't ask Why????...

It was the first day that I was awake for 24hours....

Friends I love you and I miss you....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Study Abroad !!!!!!

First I would like to introduce my self. My name is Denisse and I'm from Monterrey, Mexico. It's my first time that I stayed so far of my family. My goal is to increase my English skills. Why??? Because I really want the perfect job. But for have the perfect job I need the best things to add to my resume. For the company that I wish work to. English is an important as your Master Deegre. You don't have option so you speak or you don't. English lenguague became a world wide lenguage and you can't pass over.

Study abroad is so difficult more when it's your first time that you go so far of your house. You have to learn about a lot of things like custums, habits, currency, weather, etc. When I decided to came to study to Calgary, I was so brave. But you can't imagine how difficult was and still been for me. I lost my parents birthday's and stay together with my family. Many of my friends support me. They were giving me advice and never let me give up. In the other hand, you can make a very good friends that you never imagine that you be able to find. Also, you can have the most exciting experince and an intercultural interchange. Study abroad it's a challenge for everyone...